Command-line interface executables can be found under the bin/ directory and at the time of writing are:

  1. scnr – Direct scanning utility.
  2. scnr_console – A REPL Ruby console running from the context of SCNR::Engine.
  3. scnr_spawn – Issues spawn calls to Agents to start scans remotely.
  4. scnr_agent – Starts a Agent daemon.
  5. scnr_agent_monitor – Monitors a Agent.
  6. scnr_agent_unplug – Unplugs a Agent from its Grid.
  7. scnr_instance_connect – Utility to connect to an Instance.
  8. scnr_reporter – Generates reports from .crf (Cuboid report file) and .ser (SCNR Engine report) report files.
  9. scnr_reproduce – Reproduces an issue(s) from a given report.
  10. scnr_rest_server – Starts a REST server daemon.
  11. scnr_restore – Restores a suspended scan based on a snapshot file.
  12. scnr_scheduler – Starts a Scheduler daemon.
  13. scnr_scheduler_attach – Attaches a detached Instance to the given Scheduler.
  14. scnr_scheduler_clear – Clears the Scheduler queue.
  15. scnr_scheduler_detach – Detaches an Instance from the Scheduler.
  16. scnr_scheduler_get – Retrieves information for a scheduled scan.
  17. scnr_scheduler_list – Lists information about all scans under the Scheduler’s control.
  18. scnr_scheduler_push – Scheduled a scan.
  19. scnr_scheduler_remove – Removes a scheduled scan from the queue.
  20. scnr_script – Runs a Ruby script under the context of SCNR::Engine.
  21. scnr_shell – Starts a Bash shell under the package environment.
  22. scnr_system_info – Presents system information about the host.